Saturday 24 June 2017

MARITAL RAPE: Selective Ownership of a Woman’s Body

If a man physically abuses a woman, there is outcry. If he lays a hand on her and if she presses charges, he will be dragged before the courts, often with no sympathy for his assault on her- Even if they are married. The threshold is lowered to a point of non-existence for a more intrusive type of assault- Rape.

The message sent is confusing and a firm stance needs to be taken. In cases of rape, personally knowing your attacker does not vitiate the attack, so why then should being married to your attacker preclude an offence from being committed?

The words of the traditional marriage vows are:
"I, ___, take you, ___, for my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

It did not say:
"I, ___, take you, ___, for my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, to own your body, for me to do as I wish, even if you are against it. To hurt you and harm you, because of my sick and twisted mindset ...and there is nothing you can do about it, until death (most likely of the wife) do us part.

One key element of the offence of Rape is consent. If a wife does not consent, that should be it. The union of marriage has created an impenetrable shield, allowing husbands to perpetuate sexual violence against their spouse with the protection of the law.

There has been a steady increase in domestic violence cases, with many persons, not living to tell the tale. A woman is empowered to stand up against physical domestic violence and is told repeatedly, “a man does not own her…..walk away”, however based on the current stance it would appear as if there are levels of abuse, and physical abuse is placed on a higher tier than the unwanted sexual violation of a wife and/or mother, and she will receive no protection if this is the avenue taken by her spouse.

So many persons are living in marriages where the issues if chronicled would surprise many, but a brave face is put on as they struggle to make it work, or give the appearance of making it work- often because of the standards of the church and/or its members.

An issue also arises where a wife is trying to separate from her husband. A key element needed to successfully file a divorce petition is separation for a year (including sexual contact). What happens when the husband simply won’t leave his wife alone through forced sexual contact? In a Divorce application, the parties may still be viewed as separated even if they continue to cohabit in the same house,  but not if they continue having sex with each other. There are therefore several implications stemming from this issue.

The church has missed the mark in their utterances and their continued unequivocal Stance regarding the submission of a wife to a husband to their own detriment. Otherwise Criminal behavior is being encouraged on a weak basis- the husband does not own the outside of the body, so he can be prosecuted accordingly, but he owns the inside of her body, and should not be prosecuted. Selective ownership has no basis in law and it is time for the playing field to be leveled. 

Thursday 19 January 2017

The Obeah Act, is it time for it to be repealed?

When one hears the word "obeah", one often connotes it with something negative- evil, foreboding, and black magic. However in Jamaica the practice of Obeah is one that is acknowledged as existing somewhat peacefully, and if one simply doesn’t believe in the power of Obeah it is ignored, similar to how other activity deemed illegal by the state is ignored- such as Prostitution on Back Road, paying representatives of government agencies “a ting” to speed up processes, or buying a drivers licence---We know it is practiced in Jamaica, but we choose to ignore the red flags when we drive pass the homes, and the ads in some of our less reputable print media.

According to the Obeah Act, Section 2-

“A person practicing obeah” means any person who, to effect any fraudulent or unlawful            purpose, or for gain, or for the purpose of frightening any person, uses, or pretends to use any         occult means, or pretends to possess any supernatural power or knowledge;

This definition alone presupposes that a person cannot possess any supernatural power or knowledge.

Jamaica is not a Theocracy,  and the manner in which the definitions and offences are couched gives the impression that an offence is not being committed  against man,  but against a supreme being- and only a Supreme Being would have certain powers.

Persons who believe in the power of Obeah treat it similar to a religion where there is a person who can be compared to a Pastor in the Christian faith who has a connection with a higher entity, and is able to intercede on their behalf.

Obeah men or women claim to be able to cure persons of different maladies, use concoctions to bring, wealth, happiness, success and prosperity to individuals, on the positive side, while they claim to be able to rain down fire and brimstone as punishment of the heads of unwitting individuals who have allegedly wronged their fellow man.

Belief kills and Belief cures, so why should one belief be given precedence over another due to Christianity being an established religion with centuries under its belt, vs Obeah which is relatively recent in comparison is good enough of a reason? Is it that one belief is so steeped in Afrocentric traditions, stemming from our history of slavery, and as such it is deemed inferior to Eurocentric religions and their traditions?

What is interesting is certain denominations in Christianity  engage in practices such as anointing with olive oil and other concoctions- healing water, different rituals, use of flowers and other things which are said to have powers.  Grape fruit and cream soda is said to work wonders for some of those practicing  the Christian faith. 

A person practicing obeah” means any person who, to effect any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, or for gain, or for the purpose of frightening any person

How can you prove intent????? How does a Judge determine a fraudulent purpose? I guess working a spell to aid in the commission of an offence once admitted , is straight forward. A person practicing Obeah for gain, can be akin to some Pastors asking for offering during their services and churches being registered as Private businesses. Not everyone ascribes to the Christian belief but does that make what Christians believe less real to them? I think the same leverage should be afforded to those who have alternate beliefs.

There are provisions in Jamaica's Charter of Fundamental Rights 2011 which guarantee religious freedom which includes the right to freedom of expression, thought, conscience and belief, and also the freedom to peaceful assembly and association.
The rights are designed to protect persons whether we agree with them or not, and as such I call for the repeal of the Obeah Act in 2017.